Joint Meeting at Stockton AC Campus

Subunit members attended a Joint Meeting of the Stockton, MATES, and Rutgers Subunits last Sunday, April 14th at the new Stockton Atlantic City campus.


Jeff Brust, a Fisheries Research Scientist for the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife, and Captain Jason Snellbaker of the Marine Enforcement Division of the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife gave presentations to the students about their respective areas of expertise.


During lunch, students observed posters prepared by MATES students about their research and had the opportunity to network with fellow students and the professionals in attendance. After lunch, students from MATES and Rutgers gave oral presentations about their research.

Left: Emily Slesinger, Rutgers Subunit Secretary, presenting her black sea bass research. Right: Nicole Deck, Rutgers Subunit member, presenting her research on coral disease.


The last item of the agenda for the day was a tour of the beautiful Stockton Atlantic City Campus situated right next to the beach. The Rutgers Student Subunit looks forward to future Joint Subunit Meetings as it is always nice to meet students that share similar interests.